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Remarkables Primary School is New Zealand's newest primary school having opened for the first time on Thursday 4th February, 2010.  It is believed to be the first new state primary school in the lower South Island since 1981.

Our school buildings are at the leading edge of 21st Century design following the principles of architect Prakesh Nair.  It is his research and work that has led to the school having spaces for waterholes (meeting places for students), campfires (where adults share wisdom with the young) and caves (private and secure places) for children and adults. 

The building design is based around pods, groups of four classrooms clustered around a central space. Classrooms will be fully networked and set up for technology.


My Story

When I left school I joined the Air Force as an Airforce Avionics Engineer and worked on Hercules aircraft and travelled around the world. I also worked on helicopters on the back of a ship and sailed around Asia, it was such an amazing time learning about all the different cultures. One of the highlights of being in the Airforce was helping people. I worked in Afghanistan during the war and Indonesia when they had a huge Tsunami. We took food supplies to the people who were displaced. When I finished my time in the Airforce I had five medals awarded to me for all the work I had done.


I am passionate about fostering and building relationships with all students to ensure high-quality learning and that creating a classroom environment in which students have optimal opportunities to build their own motivation to learn and so give them a sense of ownership. I also believe that by enabling students to be real partners in the learning process and having a clear idea of their learning journey, giving them opportunities to be involved in every step of the learning process. I believe that the students should develop of sense of deep ownership which would be a catalyst towards developing a learning experience that would be both challenging and enjoyable. 
In relation to the thinking key competency in the New Zealand Curriculum document, I believe that my role as a teacher is to develop the skills and strategies that our students can use to become creative and critical thinkers. I believe that to be an effective teacher I will have a teaching pedagogy that provides scaffolding to facilitate learning, with the use of metacognitive learning strategies that will engage the students and play a successful role in the learning process. My aspect encourages the development of learning strategies for learners, Metacognative strategies improve decision making and make learning more efficient; which makes the whole process more effective for the learnerI


Finally, being a positive role model underpins my pedagogy.  My aim is to encourage all my students to grow into well mannered contributing adults by demonstrating impeccable manners, tolerance, empathy, consistency and the willingness to be a life long learner.

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